Quitting Smoking

What would you do with an extra $3,000 a year?

Assuming that a pack of cigarettes costs $8.50, a pack-a-day smoker spends over $3,000 in one year - just to buy them. If you think that's a lot, consider that personal health care expenses from smoking amount to $4.8 billion in that same year - just in Massachusetts.

> American Cancer Society: How much is smoking costing you?

Health Plans wants to help you kick the smoking habit once and for all. On this page you will find information that will help you take those important steps toward vastly improving your health - and your bank account.

U.S. Government-sponsored Tobacco Cessation Resources

The universal phone number for tobacco cessation resources is 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669). This number will connect callers directly to the correct Stat Quit Line. Information can also be accessed through the federal website for tobacco cessation.

> www.smokefree.gov

Freedom From Smoking Online®

Freedom From Smoking Online is an in-depth, interactive smoking cessation program offered by Health Plans through the American Lung Association. Over the last 30 years, the Freedom From Smoking program has helped hundreds of thousands of adult smokers quit for good.

> Freedom From Smoking Plus Program

Additional Resources

> American Cancer Society
> American Heart Association 
> American Lung Association
> MA Dept. of Public Health